32 Awesome Tips And Tricks You Can Use In Your Daily Life
The Must know daily life tips to safe you time and impress others.
- Exhale When your left foot hits the ground to avoid cramps while running.
- Running Low on Battery? Put your Phone on Airplane Mode and it/ll Charge much faster
- Rubbing alcohol will remove pen marks and stains from pretty anything.
If you want to download a youtube video, just add "ss" to the URL between www. and you tube .- To listen a song on youtube again and again without repeatedly playing add "repeat" between "www." and "youtube" .
Crush up Oreo Cookies and put them in a satly Grinder for an east and tasty dessert topping.- Wrinkly T-shirt? Throw it in dryer with a few ice cubes for 5 minutes. wrinkles gone!
- Target pays $202 for an old iPhone 4S if upgraded to iPhone 5
- Throwing a frisbee? use the same arm motion as if you were whipping a towel. This will ensure a straight throw.
- Small sized shoe? Put on three Pairs of socks on, and blow dry for 10 minutes. they fit perfect.
- Drink tons of apple juice before going to bed. A chemical compound in the juice helps you to have a vivid awesome dream.
- Putting your phone on airplane mode will stop ads while playing games.
- You can shrink a pimple in minutes by putting a dab of Listerine on it. The alcohol will dry it up and cause it to face.
- Making cookies and don't have any egg? half a banana(per egg) works good as a substitute.
- You Can Heal Paper cuts and immediately stop the pain with chopstick.
- If you are on a road Trib and Cannt pay for the Motel? Park at waltmart and sleep in the Car.
- Pump Up the volume of phone by putting it into a bowl. th curve of the bowl amplify the sound
- Sugar can cure Burnt Tongue.
- Buy a world map shower curtain. soon u will be a Geography Expert.
- Soak a cotton ball in vinegar and put it on bruise to make it disappear.
- Ping pong ball dent can be cured by putting a burning lighter beneath it as the gas expands the ball.
- Feeling sleepy at work? Hold your breath as long as you can and exhale slowly as it increases Heart Beat.
- Dandruff can be cured my bathing/washing your hair with cold water.
- If the price of a item purchased on Amazon goes down with one month of purchase just mail the and they will refund you the difference
- Skip youtube adds by changing youtube to "youtubeskip" in the URL of any video.
- Need something to remember in the morning. Just Text it yourself before going to sleep and don't read the message.
- Visiting to Zoo? Wear the same clothes or identical colored clothes as the employ at zoo do. the anomals will really come close enough to you.
- Got something in you eyes? Fill a bowl of water and open you eyes in it. It will come right out.
- Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth to avoid sneezing
- If someone pressed all the floor buttons on the lift. Prevent the lift from stopping on all floor by pressing each button twice.
- If ever found that your are goint to be hit by a car and having to enoght time to jump on side ways? jump UP it will give you a better rolling chance over car.
- Headache? Take a lime, Cut in Half, And rub it on the forehead, Throbbing should go.